Tuesday, March 20, 2007

FTA: Akan di teruskan walaupun banyak golongan membantah

Memang ramai rakyat yang bimbang tentang rundingan FTA di antara kerajaan Malaysia dan Polis Dunia Amerika Syarikat. Namun Kerajaan masih berminat untuk meneruskan rundingan walaupun tempoh masa yang asalnya dikatakan hingga hujung Mac ini sudah dilanjutkan hingga tercapai kata sepakat kedua buah negara.
Banyak golongan telah berdemonstrasi di hadapan kementerian Perdagangan Antarabangsa Dan Industri Malaysia kerana orang yang bakal menurun tandatangannya @ 'menjual' negara adalah Menteri di kementerian tersebut. Bukan sedikit yang telah menyatakan kegusaran mereka mengenai perkara penting yang dijangka akan memberi kesan buruk kepada rakyat jelata.
Persoalannya apakah yang harus dilakukan oleh seluruh rakyat yang peka dan bertanggungjawab ke atas nasib diri dan keluarga mereka.
Apakah persamaan yang ada di antara bendera Malaysia dan Amerika Syarikat? Adakah mustahil sekiranya Malaysia akan menjadi sebagai 'francais' Amerika Syarikat?
Rakyat harus proaktif dan mengambil tahu apa yang sedang diperlakukan oleh wakil-wakil yang mereka pilih untuk mewakili mereka untuk memperjuangkan kebajikan mereka di peringkat pembuat dasar negara. Seandainya sudah jelas wakil-wakil rakyat yang mereka pilih dan harapkan pada pilihanraya ke 11 yang lepas tidak langsung memberi reaksi yang positif dan tidak menunjukkan
ikhtiar untuk melindungi mereka dari gejala negatif yang mengancam masa depan mereka, maka sudah jelas mereka sepatutnya mereka berpakat untuk membalas balik pengkhianatan wakil-wakil ini dengan memulau mereka dan parti mereka yang bacul dan hanya pandai bersandiwara konon " TRADISI MEMBELA RAKYAT".
Adakah wakil-wakil rakyat ini berfungsi mempertahankan kepentingan anda di dewan rakyat atau adakah mereka hadir dipersidangan tersebut sebagai tunggang angguk? Buatlah pilihan terbaik untuk diri dan masa depan keluarga anda. Jangan biarkan diri anda dan yang tersayang tertipu berulangkali.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Ketua JKKK merangkap Ketua MCA cawangan dan AJKnya bersembang dengan penulis

When PAS puts forth its intention to permeate all kinds of communities irrespective of race, religion or strata many cast a very unbelieving look. The masses have been drummed by the kind of a very stereotype image of PAS carved by the multitude of UMNO/BN's media monopoly. The common nation is that PAS is an orthodox political party which strives to gain power only to force its ideals onto the unsuspecting rakyat.

Despite bad governance being obvious as portrayed by the declining corruption perception index by foreign business men, crimes mushrooming, juvenile deliquencies rife, croynism the order of the day, even dengue fever is still not being eradicated. Flash floods, dirty pipe water in Selangor maju 2005, employees are at risk of being dumped by employers who find labour cost more attractive in other countries compared to Malaysia. The people at large are still too frozen with the fear of change lest the new government dreamed by the Alternative front will usher in chaos. The Malaysian people are paralyzed as they witness in the media what happens when a government change hands overseas. What they fail to comprehend is the peoples' power will dictate the future of the country. If the majority of the people want peace and at the same time desire a government that puts the people's wellbeing as its prime purpose of existence, Malaysia will be run by authority with integrity. This is not impossible to achieve!
Of course there need to be sacrifice on the part of the people. Sacrifice of the comfort zone. The familiar! Even if it is not so safe( ask Canny Ong and Altantuya's families just to mention a couple), or not so comfortable anymore. The fact that familiarity is so soothing that it paralyzes the vast majority of Malaysians from taking action that can save it from its political, social and economic downfall. The FTA is an open invitation to US invasion of Malaysia. Why the big fuss about 50 years of MERDEKA??!!

So, come on guys, wake up! We all have to get together to cause a positive change in the country. PAS needs you to effect change. We have to show the present government that we as the intelligent rakyat wants to be a stop to the political drama they are portraying. We, the rakyat, have suffered enough oppression under this present regime. We want more say as rakyat in the Dewan Rakyat and the Dewan Undangan Negeri. We have been betrayed enough when the rakyat gave a big mandate to BN in 2004 general election. They have not delivered up to expectations. We will teach them not to only think of their and their cronies' pockets. We are humans. We deserve better attention. Join us in the alternative front!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Orang No.1 BPR didakwa RASUAH!

Bekas Pengarah Badan Pencegah Rasuah(BPR) Sabah, Mohamad Ramli Manan dilaporkan oleh Utusan Malaysia pada 3hb Mac 2007 berkata, laporan berhubung rasuah dan salah guna kuasa bukan sahaja dibuat beliau terhadap Ketua Pengarah BPR, Datuk Zulkipli Mat Noor tetapi turut melibatkan beberapa kanan agensi itu.

Apa sudah jadi Pak Lah? Mana janji perangi rasuah?

Harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi!

Jadi rakyat nak harap siapa lagi untuk membanteras barah rasuah?

Apa yang rakyat MESTI buat untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini pada PILIHANRAYA AKAN datang?!


The STAR report by Royce Cheah on 14th March 2007 stated: We're seen to be more corrupt than last year.
Malaysia's economy is perceived by foreign bussinessmen to be more corrupt this year compared to last year, according to an annual survey carried out by Hongkong-based Political and Economic Risk Consultancy(PERC).
'This corruption perception indes is something we've done for over 20 years now......., when it comes to corruption, it becomes very important,' PERC's director said.
'Companiies usually base their investment decisions on perception, not reality. If companies pperceive the situation in a particular country to be difficult, then that is likely to work against their decision to invest,' he added.